I have many excuses for why I only seem to manage a blog post once every six months or so. I have so many ideas for posts, but they rarely make it to print. One of those excuses is my rubbish photos.
I think of a great idea for a post, but then I worry how I can illustrate it. I scroll through my phone and just see generally average pictures.
I’m not sure I can make that excuse anymore though as I’ve been shown the light, courtesy of photographer and Instagrammer extraordinaire Emily Quinton.
Over four weeks, Emily led myself and a crew of students through a wonderful online photography course where we talked about everything from finding your photographic style to the best photo editing apps for your smartphone.
I learned so much from Emily, who was incredibly generous with her knowledge and her time. Despite my fellow students being scattered all over the world, I really feel like we’ve been in the class together and that I’ve made some lovely mates.
Here are a few of the piccies I took during the course. It was so much fun, and a great excuse to buy flowers for yourself.
I was a little bit addicted to Instagram before I started the workshop; now I’ve got a definite problem! Are you on Instagram? Come and find me if you are. I’m @bexjenkins!
You can read more about the course and see mine and some other before and after shots here. Thanks again, Emily!
Hi Bex,
this is a wonderful review of the makelight course, I´m so happy that you´ve done this blogpost mostly because I feel the same with my photos before as you described.
Your photos are georgous and I hope you will be blogging again and show us your captures,
with lots of joy from the other side of the world :0)
Thanks so much for taking time to read my post and to comment, Silke! It has been so lovely to meet you and see your beautiful images and jewellery. I have to make sure I don’t lose momentum now… We’ll see!!! xxxx
Hi Bex
I attended Emily’s Makelight workshop in London a few months back. It was so useful and inspirational. My photography has improved massively as a result.
Your photos here are gorgeous, keep up the great work!
See you on Instagram and on the BYW Blog Boss course 🙂
Georgie xx
Hi Georgie,
I would so love to do an in-person workshop with Emily. They look incredible!
Thank you so much for your kind words about these photos. I still have a lot to learn but I’m having great fun practising.
Your photos and your illustrations are just incredible. So happy to have found you on Instagram and I’ll look out for you on the Blog Boss course too. It’s been fab so far.
All the best
Bex xx
Thank you so much for taking my course and for your beautiful review. You have made me a proud teacher with your beautiful images! x
It’s my pleasure, Emily! Thank you so much for teaching such a wonderfully inspiring course. You need to design another one for former students. I think we’d all be signing up for more! Bex x
Keep snapping and I’ll keep checking in on your blog. I thought I signed up for emails but I don’t seem to get them. Hmm, I am terribly untechy! I can barely cope with wordpress! Love all your floral inspo x
Thank you Aleasha! Not a patch on your pix but I’m trying! xxx
Those are some gorgeous photos Bex! I too struggle with the pictures that do not capture the aesthetic I want for my blog. I should look into Emily’s class 🙂 xx
Oh thank you Yuko! So sweet of you to stop by 🙂
If you’d like to gain some more confidence with your photography, I would highly, highly recommend Emily’s course. It’s changed how I see things! Ha ha! And it was so much fun. I want to do it again. Let me know how you like it if you do sign up. The next one is in January! Bex xxx
Hi Bex, thanks for your insight into the online Makelight course, I almost signed up for the last one but just missed it. Great to here it’s happening in January again too.
Sarah x
Thanks for taking the time to comment, Sarah! I think you would love Emily’s course! It covers a lot of the basics about using your camera, but in a really practical way especially for bloggers and social media types! I loved Emily’s insights into phone photography too. Found that really helpful. Would love to hear how you get on if you do it next year x