If I have a few minutes I do love to faff about with bits and pieces and make pretty pictures for Instagram. My husband doesn’t really get it. My Mum doesn’t get it. My sisters don’t get it. But I like it. Being at home with Ted, there aren’t many opportunities to do something just for me and to connect with people outside my little bubble; which gets a lot smaller when you step outside the world of work.
I know many of you also love a faff, so if you are looking for some inspiration here are five fabulous Instagram hashtags to get you started. (You can find my first five favourite Instagram challenges here).
1. Capturing Colour. Photographer Lucy Heath, who blogs at Capture by Lucy, chooses a new theme every week for this lovely Instagram hashtag. Recent challenges include fill the frame, florals and words. If you have lost your photo mojo this is a fab way to spark some new ideas and get the creative juices flowing again. You don’t strictly have to faff for this one, but faffing is welcome. Follow @capturebylucy for the weekly theme and tag piccies #capturingcolour.
2. Prop Stylers: A relatively new challenge from illustrator Georgie St Clair and stylist and photographer Cristina Colli. The pair choose a different prop to include in a still-life photograph every month. We’ve had eggs, clothes pins and this month is ribbons. You can see my attempt above. I had trouble twirling the ribbons, but it was fun. Tag @propstylers and #propstylers to join in.
3. A Year of Moments: Just realised this is another challenge run by British IGers: Natasha of Candy Pop and Jeska of Lobster and Swan. It’s a monthly theme, which I love as it is gives you plenty of time to get around to styling an image, and it is usually very open to creative interpretation! May’s theme is ‘treasure’, and there are already plenty of gorgeous squares in the gallery. Tag your photo @lobsterandswan @candypop.uk and tag #ayearofmoments_treasure. (The hashtag changes slightly every month, so stick it in your iPhone notes so you don’t forget!)
4. My Monday Moodboard. How better to start the week than with some faffing! Jessica Trent curates this challenge which aims to inspire creativity on that day we all love to hate – Monday. There is no theme, only a call to put together a styled photo using bits and pieces that call up a mood, a project, or an inspiration. It’s the same hashtag every week, #MyMondayMoodboard, so it’s easy to remember.
5. Styling the Seasons: I adore looking through the Styling the Seasons entries but must admit I have yet to join in. Maybe I should have a go this month. All you have to do is style a surface in your home to reflect what the current season means to you. Sounds simple but I find every surface in my house is covered in other bits or in really bad light. Might have to borrow a surface from my Mum while we are in the UK! Tag Lotts of @lottsandlots and Katy from @aptapothecary and use #StylingTheSeasons. You’ll notice plenty of Styling the Seasons blog posts about the place too. If you need inspiration take a peak at this Styling the Seasons post. That pink watering can?! Glorious.
There are so many fun challenges out there, let me know if there are any more Instagram hashtags I should be joining in with. Do you faff? Does your family roll their eyes whenever they see you hovering over the table with iPhone, rearranging buttons? Please tell me I’m not alone!
Hi Bex, two posts in two weeks and a new theme? You must have plenty of time while your mother is playing with Ted 😉
I must admit I only join Emily for floral friday once in a while. But I might give these hashtags a try, so thanks for the inspiration!
Pauline recently posted…The joys and sorrows of gardening
How did you guess, Pauline?! And Mum is cooking too! Mums are the best xxx
How did I miss this post? Haha I love that that the family don’t get faffing…can just imagine some of the conversations…with the hubby especially 😉 even I needed it explained! I’ll have to check out some of these hubs when I get a mo! I love your faffing and totally get that us mums need to zone out sometimes! Xx
Thank you lovely! You would be an awesome faffer! We just need more time!
Bex recently posted…Five more favourite Instagram hashtags
I like the one with the floors (patterns etc)
#globalfootprints #whereistand or the account Ihavethingswithfloors !!
Love your blog 🙂 keep it up!
I love the floor ones too, Thuymi! But I can never get my photos to look like they ones they feature!! I need better shoes and better floors, I think. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment – I really appreciate it x