For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
What we call the beginning is often the end
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
TS Eliot – Little Gidding
I was scrolling through Instagram this morning and came across this quote (thanks for the inspiration Melisa @coffeepaperyarn) and it just summed up all I’d been thinking about this week’s Calm & Collected challenge: pick a word of the year.
It sounds like quite an easy task: choose one word to set the tone and define your intentions for the year ahead. However, I found it quite difficult to decide on just one word.
Get a pen and paper or your smartphone and start brainstorming – write down your dreams, your priorities, your vision for the year. It could be related to work life, or family life, your creative life or all of the above: just try to capture the mood you want to set for the next 12 months. If it’s not coming together very easily, try leaving your notes for an hour and going for a walk or even leave it all to brew over night. Come back to your notes with fresh eyes and see what jumps out at you. If writing it out isn’t working, try a mood board and see if you that will help you capture the feeling you want to hold onto in the coming year. That might help the magic word to appear. (Carol at Muff and Teacake has written a lovely post on making vision boards).
We all know how easily new year’s resolutions are made and then broken. This will be about the 16th year in a row I have written ‘write novel’ at the top of my yearly to-do list. Ahem. But I like this little exercise because having one word gives you a small talisman to keep coming back to when you’re being buffeted by the craziness of the daily grind. If you feel you’ve lost direction or you don’t know which way to jump, think about this word and see if it helps you find your way.
What do you think of this idea? Will you try it? And if you were wondering, my word for the year is ‘focus’. It speaks to me of being intentional (and organised) about my work this year and not getting sidetracked with the all usual trivia. Focus also represents the opposite of that distracted state I often find myself in – usually with my iPhone in my hand.
If you’d like, do share your word in the comments below or perhaps stick it on Instagram – it might even inspire a photograph to go with it. You can always use the #calm_collected_project hashtag on your Instagram photo and tag @bexjenkins so we can find each other’s musings.
Good luck!
Bex x
This is the first Calm & Collected challenge for 2016. I’ll be posting a challenge, idea or reflection weekly to inspire and motivate to make the time to create. Missed a week? Visit the Calm & Collected page for all the challenges.
I need to have a think about my one word. As usual for me I have a lot of ideas floating around and many good intentions that get lost or left behind as the year goes on. Focus is a good word. I definitely want to be more in the moment this year. By the way I think it’s amazing that you even strive to write a novel, that’s an awesome goal! I look forward to reading it one day. x
Aleasha recently posted…Notes from a Finnish Christmas
I think my word is priorities 😉 I need to work on my priorities in 2016 <3 Less time procrastinating, more action with the stuff that matters x
Aleasha recently posted…Notes from a Finnish Christmas
I love that word! I think we should get them on t-shirts or maybe a Carrie-style necklace!? I am not doing that well with my word so far. It’s so hard to maintain the initial enthusiasm. We can do it! X
Bex recently posted…Calm & Collected (one): Find a Word of the Year
Love this! I think my word is “drive.” I was thinking the other day about how I’m teaching full time, taking 2 classes for my Master’s program when everyone else only has to take 1, trying to blog, and still be a good wife, friend, and sister/daughter etc. There is only one way to do it, and it’s going to have to be drive. Nothing does itself. We have to have the guts to do it.
Happy Monday!
(P.S. love your blog aesthetic. Just gorgeous and calming and perfect for what you’re trying to accomplish!)
Hi Victoria,
Love your word. Wow! You have a lot going on. So true that nothing does itself – even those some days we wish it would.
SO glad you like the look of the blog – this is about version three! x